Thursday, January 19, 2012

A weird dream

So me,cottey,britney and cindy were all walking on the beach.Then suddenly we saw a hole of fire and i thought it was underworld cause i see  people were walking in there.SO cottey look down then cindy then then suddenly britney drip over a rock and we all fall in the hole of fire.when we get down there we saw these people get their head cut off and some just pass. I said that in underworld they will cut people if they are bad and leet good people be buddha . So we get scare so sneak out and then they catch us.First they say cottey can be angle not buddha yet then im get to be buddha then cindy barely pass yet and britney have to stay.Then a girl buddha came to tell britney that there two choice that she have to eat chocolate or stay here.She choice stay because she dont want to be fat.Then i decide that i can be a angle and let some of my power for cindy and britney so they wouldnt get kill.So britney and cindy have to cut 10000000000 peole head off.CIndy so weak she cant even cut the head or can even hold a axe .And britney scare  that she would get dirty.Meanwhile me and cottey train hard to become a buddhato same cindy and britney.So then britney tell the girl buddha that she would eat the chocolate.So then she get to a angle.(Fat angle).THen i give some power for cindy to become stronger and then cindy go carzy with her axe .When she finnish cutting 1000000000 people head off she get to a angle.Then i get to be a buddha. But cottey , britney and cindy have to stay being angle.
                                            To Be Continued.......

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