Saturday, December 17, 2011

By the beeyootifull me (cotneyy)

thats me. cotneyy!
dats all.

(truc talking)
 my turn:
truc:go away thu
thu:i cant
truc:yeah you can!
thu - what!
truc - i hate you thu
thu- no i hate you
truc- go away 
thu - no i cant becase triney dont let me!
truc i said go away\
thu i cant
truc what
thu i said that i cant becasue the last time i already ..... geez!
truc why?
thu stupid
truc why?
thu stupid *runs away*! im not gonna come here back ever again!
truc - why?
thu i said no okay no!
truc- okey!
thu - truc i sayyyy no! okay geez!
truc ............. why
thu i tell you million time but you not... STOPPPPPPPPP!!!!

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