Saturday, September 25, 2010

talk to my cousin at viet nam

Haley help please i need your help i die they asking me a something i don't know ok just please some one will help me i will do what ever you want pleaseeeeeeee help me me me!!!!!!!1

mother born father

the mother born the father and the father born the mother and they kill together and the mother born the grandfather and jonh born the grand father cindy born tom and haley born from mother and the mother born the truc and thu born steven and steven born thu


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Be cool

(16:51) ♥Hayley♥: THIS PLACE IS COOL
(16:52) lisi98♡: where do u guys wanna hang?
(16:52) Brittzy: in someplace COOL
(16:52) Brittzy: lol you are so awesome hayley
(16:52) ♥Hayley♥: lollll
(16:52) Brittzy: lool
(16:52) Brittzy: lool
(16:52) Brittzy: lol you are so COOL hayley
(16:52) lisi98♡: heh
(16:52) Fairy Snow: thia
(16:52) lisi98♡: lol
(16:52) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:52) lisi98♡: brittzy is not COOL
(16:52) lisi98♡: lol
(16:52) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:53) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:53) lisi98♡: oh yeahhhhhhhh
(16:53) Brittzy: yeahhhhh
(16:53) lisi98♡: hayley is COOL
(16:53) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:53) Brittzy: yeahhhhh
(16:53) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:53) Brittzy: she takes us to cool pico areas!
(16:53) lisi98♡: heh
(16:53) Fairy Snow: COOL HAYLEY
(16:53) lisi98♡: yup
(16:53) lisi98♡: she also has a HOT tub
(16:53) lisi98♡: oh yeahh
(16:53) lisi98♡: ummm
(16:53) lisi98♡: the time machine
(16:54) Brittzy: ?
(16:54) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:54) Brittzy: time machine? time machine? time machine?
(16:54) Fairy Snow: LETS BE COOL
(16:54) Brittzy: lool unilke me
(16:54) Fairy Snow: \'
(16:54) Brittzy: lool i am old lady LETS BE COOL
(16:54) Fairy Snow: WE ARE COOL NOT BRIT
(16:54) lisi98♡: lol
(16:54) Fairy Snow: COOOL
(16:55) Fairy Snow: REALLY COL
(16:55) Brittzy: YEAH
(16:55) Brittzy: SO COL
(16:55) Fairy Snow: COOL\WE ARE COOL
(16:55) Brittzy: WE
(16:55) Brittzy: AR
(16:55) Brittzy: COL
(16:55) Brittzy: NOT ME
(16:55) Fairy Snow: ok
(16:55) Fairy Snow: WE ARE COOL
(16:55) Brittzy: WE. ARE. COL. NOT. LIKE. ME.
(16:55) Fairy Snow: .NOT YOU BRIT YOU UNCOOL
(16:55) lisi98♡: ll
(16:55) Brittzy: lool
(16:55) Fairy Snow: COOOL
(16:56) Brittzy: ll
(16:56) Brittzy: very lll
(16:56) Brittzy: lllllllllllllllllllllll
(16:56) Brittzy: SO llllllllllllllllll
(16:56) Brittzy: YEAH!
(16:56) Brittzy: YEAH UNLIKE BTR!
(16:56) Fairy Snow: xcz
(16:56) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:56) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:56) Fairy Snow: SO COOL
(16:57) Fairy Snow: SOOOOO COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: guess what!!
(16:57) Fairy Snow: OK
(16:57) Fairy Snow: OK
(16:57) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:57) Fairy Snow: MAMA
(16:57) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: hayley is SOOOO AWESOME!!!
(16:57) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:57) Fairy Snow: MAmA BRIT LEEP
(16:57) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: BCUZ.
(16:57) Fairy Snow: WE COULD BE COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: HAYLEY IS.
(16:57) Brittzy: COOL.
(16:57) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: lol
(16:57) Fairy Snow: LETS BE COOL
(16:57) Brittzy: lool
(16:57) Fairy Snow: MAMA COOL
(16:58) Fairy Snow: EAT MAMA
(16:58) Fairy Snow: COOL
(16:58) Brittzy: SO COOL.
(16:58) Fairy Snow: MAMASO
(16:58) Brittzy: SO COOL.
(16:58) Fairy Snow: SO COOL
(16:58) Brittzy: MAMASO COOL.
The end.

Cindy the old lady

Hi i'm Cindy the old lady !!this is me Truc is about how Cindy turn to be old lady .
     One day I and Cindy at playground but suddenly one stupid old lady came to us and then she said that I Or Cindy have to turn old lady but i said no I don't to be old lady Cindy said fine i want to be old lady then I said no when you be old lady then you will say i'm the stupid old lady forever i don't want to tell me that because is to funny and i will ask you something you will say i'm the stupid old lady .And i don't like that and she told the old lady she will be old lady.

Friday, September 17, 2010

By Hayley, the awesome one.

HEZLOZ!!! ZIS IS ZEH AWESOME ONE!!! Lol :P. Chicken dancey time! BYEZY!!!!!! Wair, no... you forgot to do it! YOU BETTAH DO IT NOW!!! OR ELSEYNESS!!! I WILL DO THE CHICKEN COWBOY VERSION!!!  I like pie... YOU IZ ZEH MUFFIN PONY!!! BYEZY for real!

By Cindy the slow old lady 100 years old

i am tired of my life!!!!!!this is my last year living. save me. donate some money at 5556751. please i am old. i am 9 years old! really i was just kidding bye bye

triney birthday

triney birthday is weird we play balloon volleyball!with britney hayley cindy and me ,britney and cindy is one team and hayley me is one team is fun britney team is cheating and my team is always lose, and we excerise by cindy is slow like a old lady. hayley is the fastest. i second britney third fast. hayley hit me and britney hand and make us drop our french fries to kiki and kiki eat. now hayley cindy watch me type. so done

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hello this is Tracy. I will post videos, pictures, and stories.